Live with relatives

You can choose to come to Tasmania with a parent or a Department of Home Affairs (DHA) approved relative, and will be required to remain with this person, or advise DHA if your situation changes. A relative is defined as a parent, step-parent, sibling, step-sibling, grandparent, step-grandparent, aunt, step-aunt, uncle or step-uncle.

If you stay with your parent or relative, they must provide you somewhere safe to live and ensure your wellbeing during your stay. 

If you live with a guardian who is not your parent, our student support team will need to complete a house visit prior to your arrival. 

Primary school 

International students enrolled in primary schools must stay with a parent or a DHA approved relative. 

High school 

As a high school student, you can choose to live with a parent, or a DHA approved relative. 
If you are applying for Year 9 entry or higher (typically 14 years of age or over), the managed homestay program is also available. You can choose to stay with either private approved or government managed homestay families.