Quality Standards

Your Tasmanian education is quality-assured.


Australian National Curriculum

In line with its rollout across Australia, Tasmania’s Government Schools teach the Australian National Curriculum for Maths, Science, English, and History and Geography. This means that, regardless of where your school is located in Australia, you can be sure that all students across the country are being taught the same standardised curriculum.


Teacher Registration

It is compulsory for all teachers, at our schools and TasTAFE, to have teaching qualifications. All teachers also must be registered with the Teachers Registration Board of Tasmania.


Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification

The Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC), which has replaced the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority (TQA), is responsible for managing and regulating qualifications in senior secondary education, ensuring that they are backed by well-written courses and rigorous quality assurance, assessment and examinations. TASC aims to ensure that Tasmanian qualifications in post-year 10 education and training have levels of integrity, authenticity, rigour and credibility and meet the requirements of students, organisations, and the community.

TASC is responsible for:

  • Setting, maintaining and applying appropriate standards for awarding the Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) as a recognition of significant student achievement
  • Accrediting senior secondary courses
  • Setting and administering external examinations and other external assessment arrangements.



Students studying in Australia on student visas are protected by the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students.

ESOS protects international students by setting consistent standards for education providers and consumer protection for students. No matter where you are studying in Australia, international students are protected by ESOS. You can find out more by visiting the Australian Government’s Department of Education website, or reading this  ESOS Student factsheet


Australian Skills Quality Authority

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is the national regulator for the vocational education and training (VET) sector in Australia. ASQA ensures that the quality of the VET sector is maintained through the regulation of VET providers, VET courses, and the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) providers including those delivering English Language Intensive Courses to Overseas Students (ELICOS).

TasTAFE and the Tasmanian Department for Education, Children and Young People (DECYP) are registered CRICOS providers. All courses delivered to international students at TasTAFE and Tasmania’s Government Schools are also CRICOS registered.


Homestay Standards

GETI maintains and exceeds the homestay standards set by Australian Government Schools International (AGSI). AGSI is a collaborative association of government schools with international student programs, of which GETI Tasmania is a member.

Australian Government Schools International Homestay Standards PDF