Temporary resident program

Students whose parents are temporary resident visa holders can study at Tasmanian Government Schools through the Temporary Resident Program (TRP). 

All temporary residents require an Authority to Enrol Letter (AtE) from our office to attend a Tasmanian Government School.

School entry age 

In Tasmania, children can be enrolled for education in Tasmanian Government Schools, Independent Schools, or Home Education. Home Education is managed by the Office of the Education Registrar .

If the child is 4 years old on or by 1 January in any year, they can go to Kindergarten.

If the child is 5 years old on or by 1 January in any year, they are eligible to enrol in Prep.

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Students will be placed in a year appropriate to their age. If the student wishes to apply for a different year level, they will need to discuss this with the enrolling school once they have been issued the AtE letter.

Tasmanian Government Schools typically consist of the following year levels.

  • Kindergarten
  • Primary school: Prep to Year 6
  • Junior High School: Year 7 to 10
  • Senior High School: Year 11 to 12
  • The school year in Tasmania consists of four terms (4 terms) from February to December.

TRP students can be enrolled at any time of the school year. 

Children can enrol at their local Tasmanian Government School. Check out more details for enrolling your child in a Tasmanian Government school in your area find your local school .

Evidence of your residential address will be requested by the school at time of enrolment. 

Eligibility and associated information

All temporary residents require an AtE letter from this office to attend a Tasmanian Government School. School tuition fee status will be assessed based on their visa subclass. Evidence of current visa is required to confirm the tuition fee rate.

Please refer to the Visas at a Glance (PDF, 505KB) document to determine if: 

  • an Authority to Enrol letter is required
  • an Application Fee is payable
  • TRP tuition fees are payable
  • School Levies are payable

If tuition fees are payable, please refer to the TRP Tuition Fees information below.

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Your tuition fee status will be assessed against the previous substantive visa held.

This is because:

  • a Bridging visa indicates that an application for a new visa has been submitted, and is being processed;
  • the full entitlements of the visa applied for do not come into effect until it is granted.

If you intend for your child to be a dependant on your temporary resident visa at the end of your visitor visa, you can apply through the TRP. 

Proof of your new visa application is required.

For your current visitor visa, please note:

  • Study on a visitor visa is optional.
  • Visa condition 8201: Maximum 3 months study. This usually equates to one term or 10 weeks of enrolment. 
  • Tuition fees will be charged at the full-fee paying rate – refer to our International Student Program Fees for details. 
  • When a bridging visa becomes active, enrolment can continue and TRP tuition fees apply.


School tuition fee status will be assessed based on your current visa subclass. To find out if you need to pay full, half, or no tuition fees at all, please check the Eligibility and associated information section above.

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All prices are in Australian Dollars (AUD).

Current Tuition feesFull yearTerm rate*Weekly rate**
Prep – Year 12$7,600$1,900$190
A non-refundable application fee of AUD $150 per student will be charged for all new applications.

Tuition fee conditions:

  • Fees are subject to change.
  • The first two terms of tuition fees must be paid before an Authority to Enrol (AtE) letter will be issued. 
  • *Term tuition rates apply to students enrolled for a complete school term. Standard term length is 10 weeks. In cases where the term length differs, the standard rate will still apply.
  • ** Weekly tuition rates only apply if a student is not enrolling for a full school term in their first term of study. Total tuition fees will be calculated based on the number of weeks a student will be enrolled in their first term, plus the full tuition for the second term.

School levies  are fees charged by, and payable directly to, the enrolling school and are separate from TRP tuition and application fees. Please contact the enrolling school for further information. 

English as an Additional Language (EAL) Service

The English as an Additional Language (EAL) Service provides  English language support for eligible Kindergarten to Year 12 students. 

Support is provided on a needs basis. Once a TRP student is enrolled, the EAL Service will determine if English language support is required depends on the student’s English skill level.

How to apply

Tasmanian Government Schools use an online application form for TRP students.

Students and parents are welcome to apply directly to us via Temporary Resident Program Student Application Form

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  • Please submit a single application per family. This application can include all school-aged siblings who are not already enrolled in Tasmanian Government Schools. We recommend using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
  • It is not possible to save an unsubmitted form. Please ensure you have all the required information and documentation for each family member ready for upload prior to starting this application. 
  • Documents requested will include passports, current visas (and previous visa if you currently hold a bridging visa) for each family member. Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) for the primary visa holder will be required if they currently hold or are bridging from a 500 student visa.
  • Pay applicable fees as outlined in the Fee Letter. Our office will send you the Fee Letter after receiving your application.
  • Our office will then issue an Authority to Enrol letter (AtE) for you to provide to your local Tasmanian Government School to start the enrolment process.

If you need to provide documentation to the Department of Home Affairs to support a dependant visa application, our office can issue a Confirmation of Placement letter.

Change of circumstances

Students with a current AtE letter, attending a Tasmanian Government School must inform the our office within seven (7) days of any changes. This includes:

  • any change of contact details for your family (email, phone number, address, student’s primary contact, living arrangements etc).
  • if the Department of Home Affairs grants your child a new visa. If applicable, tuition fee changes are effective from the first full week after date of grant.
  • if you intend to transfer your child’s enrolment to another Tasmanian Government School.
  • if you intend to suspend your child’s Tasmanian Government School enrolment.
  • if you intend to end your child’s Tasmanian Government School enrolment, we require one week’s notice in writing.

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