High School (Y7‑Y12)

High School Program (Year 7-12)

The Tasmanian Government Education system has a unique structure with students attending Junior High School from Year 7 -10 and then Senior High School (College) for Year 11 and 12.

The separation of the two levels of high school allows students to complete their Year 11 and 12 in a dedicated learning environment designed to prepare them for university, vocational education or the workplace.

High school years

High School students are aged between 12 and 18 years old. Year 7 to 12 (total duration up to 6 years) form high school classes.



Tasmanian Government Junior High Schools

Tasmanian Government Junior High Schools are for students in Year 7 – 10 (approximately 13 – 16 years of age).

The focus of Junior High School is to provide an environment in which students will further develop their skills in literacy, numeracy and IT, and additionally a range of interpersonal skills like planning, problem solving, time management and decision making. Students will study a combination of compulsory subjects, with additional choices that match their individual talents and career ambitions. Each school also offers a range of extracurricular (enrichment) activities, including sport, music and excursions.

Learn more about our Junior High Schools.

Tasmanian Government Senior High Schools (Colleges)

Tasmanian Government Senior High Schools are for students in Year 11 – 12 (approximately 16 – 18 years of age).

Senior High Schools are structured differently to some other Australian states. Students studying Years 11 and 12 attend different campuses to those studying at Junior High Schools. The specialised learning environment provides students with more independence and encourages them to develop a strong work ethic. The program is designed to help students develop a set of skills that they can apply to their tertiary studies and future employment.

Learn more about our Senior High Schools.

Program benefits

Our High School Program offers students the opportunity of different learning experiences to what they can have at home. Our program is designed for students seeking to graduate high school in Tasmania and qualify for university or further study in Australia or another country.

  • Receive the Tasmanian Certificate of Education on successful completion of Year 11 and 12

The Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) is the qualification awarded to students who satisfy prescribed requirements. Generally, students will complete Senior High School (Year 11 and 12) in Tasmania to achieve the TCE.

TCE is recognised throughout Australia by universities and employers. Students must complete two years of study at Senior High School to achieve this qualification and meet all of the TCE standards.

For more information on TCE, visit: Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) – TASC

  • Study towards a seamless learning journey from high school to university with career aspirations.

In Australia, all universities allocate places to students based on their Year 11 and 12 school results. The student’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is derived from their TCE results.

In Senior High School (Year 11 – 12), students can select subjects that align with their aspirations and interests. With assistance and guidance from teachers, students will develop a personalised study program aimed at achieving an ATAR and gaining access to an Australian university.

For more information on receiving an ATAR in Tasmania, visit University entrance – TASC

  • Make friends for life at high school and through homestay family.

Our High School program is designed to inspire students for personal growth and independence.

Students are able to make lifelong friendships with friends at school and homestay families if they choose to stay with the Tasmanian Government School Homestay Program.

Click here for more information on student accommodation.

Student services and support

Student wellbeing and welfare is fundamental to learning. We are committed to ensure every child and young person is known, safe, well and learning.

A range of student services and support are available to international students to assist them throughout their studies.

Click here for more information on the student services and support.

Entry requirements

Students’ academic aspirations and success are important to us. To enrol in Junior or Senior High Schools students are required to have satisfied relevant academic and English requirements prior to commencing their course of study.

  • Academic requirements

At the time of application, students are required to demonstrate they have achieved satisfactory achievement over the previous two years of schooling.

  • English language proficiency

Students entering Year 9 to 12 should have proficient English language skills. They are expected to either:

    • been taught at a school for at least 2 years where English is the primary language of instruction; or
    • achieved:
      • a general IELTS test score of at least 4.0 (overall) or equivalent for Year 9 entry;
      • a general IELTS test score of at least 4.5 (overall) or equivalent for Year 10 entry;
      • a general IELTS test score of at least 5.0 (overall) or equivalent for Year 11 and Year 12 entry.
      • Please refer to Tasmanian Government Schools Admission and Enrolment Guide for details of other recognised English language tests.

In limited circumstances, acceptance of other English language proficiency evidence will be at the discretion of the Associate Director, Tasmanian Government Education International and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Welfare and accommodation

A range of accommodation options including homestay with a friendly and caring Tasmanian family are available to international students.

For details of accommodation options, please visit Student Accommodation.

Fees and program options

Fees apply to our High School Programs. Students may also need to pay additional fees for school uniforms, excursions and tours.

Please read our Tasmanian Government Schools Brochure to find out further details.